Saturday, July 29, 2023

Interesting Engineering Research


Dry Manufacturing Process Offers Path to Cleaner, More Affordable High-Energy EV Batteries

Dry processing saves factory floor space, time, energy, waste disposal and startup expenses.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Jul 20, 2023

Pump Refurbishing - Case Study


Legacy Doesn’t Mean End of Life

Breathing new life into pumps of any age from any brand with OEM knowledge.

Hector Castillo, Field Engineer, Sulzer Pump Services (US) Inc, Aaron Burton, Engineering Manager, Sulzer Pump Services (US) Inc, Mitchell Legg, Design Engineer, Sulzer Pumps Service (US) Inc

Jul 28, 2023

Sulzer Pump Services refurbished a third party pump.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Efficiency Engineering - Bedaux - 1916

Jan. 19, 1942

The president of the Bedaux Co. and the president of the left-wing Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers Union, broadcasting on America's Town Meeting of the Air concurred: joint management, labor, Government, and engineering councils were the way to speed up war production.

The president of Bedaux is  deep-eyed, handsome Albert Ramond. 

Last year its engineers operated in 83 plants, most of them in basic industries where C.I.O. has its greatest strength. They get along fine with the unions, and Bedaux Co. is making money once more.

Charles Bedaux in 1916 started efficiency engineering pioneered by  Frederick Taylor.   His engineers made their time & motion studies hiding behind pillars with stop watches. They frequently drew up recommendations without consulting even foremen, installed bonus systems which went 75% to the worker, 25% to supervisors as an incentive to push the men. Their standard "B unit," basis of pay, became hated by labor because it was increased as output rose, so that bonuses became harder & harder to earn while basic pay remained unchanged. 

Albert Ramond and his colleagues changed all that. When hired for an efficiency survey, they now recommend that foremen and union leaders (or workers' representatives) be called in. Now it is rare for Bedaux Co. to go into unorganized plants. Says Albert Ramond: "We need the union's practical skill as well as our own scientific skill so that with management we may arrive at a tri-partite agreement." Bonuses now go 100% to the worker, and he understands the pay formula (which he didn't before).

The Bedaux system is an efficiency-engineering service, with each plant a fresh problem. . At U.S. Steel's Gary plant, Bedaux engineers increased repair department personnel 10%, claim to have upped efficiency 80%. In a steel foundry making tank parts, production jumped from 300 to 1,000 tons monthly while man-hours per ton were cut 50%. Bedaux engineers are working in many a U.S. armament factory, have been called in to stop a slump caused by a wage ceiling in one of the largest munitions plants in Canada.,9171,766351,00.html
Jan. 19, 1942,33009,766351,00.html

Bedaux system

ud. 15.7.2023
Pub 7.3.2008

"Efficiency Engineering" -The Term was used in 1911

Today I came across an article of New York Times published on 14 June 1911 that described the talk by H.F. Stimpson on Efficiency Engineering.

In the talk, he said that efficiency methods are to be adopted by employees.

But the government's efficiency engineers could determine just how much energy a human worker can expend each day without overstrain and overwork and the wreck of his own body - all he has to offer to the world as an engine of energy.

Testimony by H.F. Simpson

Page 614 of the book.

Ud. 15.7.2023
Pub. 7.3.2008

Friday, July 14, 2023



All Steel Office Furniture Ergonomic Design Guide

NCSU - Ergonomics Page

Computer Ergonomics - Applying Ergonomics to the Workstation

Computer Workstation Ergonomic Self-Assessment Checklist




Ergonomics is a scientific discipline, which is concerned with improving the productivity, health, safety and comfort of people, as well as promoting effective interaction between people, technology they are using and the environment in which both must operate.


Departments are encouraged to purchase adjustable equipment for the reasonable accommodation of users. Some users may have special needs, such as left-handedness, color blindness, vision impairment, etc. The goal should be flexibility to accommodate the user population so that personnel may interface effectively with equipment. Equipment should be sized to fit the individual user.

Ergonomic evaluations will be conducted by the Environmental Health and Safety Center. Additional information may be obtained by calling 515-4190 or emailing


Ergonomic furniture should be designed to facilitate task performance, minimize fatigue and injury by fitting equipment to the body size, strength and range of motion of the user.

Office furnishings, which are generally available, have adjustable components that enable the user to modify the workstation to accommodate different physical dimensions and the requirements of the job. Ergonomically designed furniture can reduce pain and injury, increase productivity, improve morale, and decrease complaints.

The purchase of equipment should be task specific to eliminate:

(a) static or awkward posture,
(b) repetitive motion,
(c) poor access or inadequate clearance and excessive reach,
(d) display that are difficult to read and understand, and
(e) controls that are confusing to operate or require too much force. Therefore, furniture that is selected should be suitable for the types of tasks performed and be adaptable to multi-purpose use. Office workstations must be designed carefully to meet the need of the staff and to accomplish the goals of the facility.

Design objectives should support humans to achieve the operational objectives for which they are responsible. There are three goals to consider in human-centered design.

Enhance human abilities
Overcome human limitations
Foster user acceptance
To achieve these objectives, there are several key elements of ergonomics in the office to consider.

Equipment - video display terminals
Software design - system design and screen design for greater usability
Workstation design - chairs, work surfaces and accessories
Environment - space planning, use of colors, lighting, acoustics, air quality and thermal factors
Training - preparing workers to deal with technology


To give departments guidance in selecting office furniture and setting up workstations, the following guidelines are from the American National Standards Institute and the Environmental Health and Safety Center. Included are diagrams and a checklist to guide you through the process.



Seat Height: Seat height should be pneumatically adjusted while seated. A range of 16 - 20.5 inches off the floor should accommodate most users. Thighs should be horizontal, lower legs vertical, feet flat on the floor or on a footrest. Seat height should also allow a 90 degree angle at the elbows for typing.
Seat Width
and Depth: A seat width of 17-20 inches suffices for most people and should be deep enough to permit the back to contact the lumbar backrest without cutting into the backs of knees. The front edge should be rounded and padded. The seat slant should be adjustable (0 to 10 degrees). Avoid bucket-type seats. The seat should swivel easily.
Backrest: The backrest should offer firm support, especially in the lumbar (lower back) region, should be 12-19 inches wide, and should be easily adjustable both in angle and height, while sitting. The optimum angle between seat and back should permit a working posture of at least 90 degrees between the spine and thighs. Seat pan angle and backrest height and angle should be coordinated to allow for the most comfortable weight load on the spinal column.
Seat Material: A chair seat and back should be padded enough to allow comfortable circulation. If a seat is too soft, the muscles must always adjust to maintain a steady posture, causing strain and fatigue. The seat fabric should "breathe" to allow air circulation through clothes to the skin.
Armrests: Armrests are optional, depending on user preference and task performed. They should not restrict movement or impede the worker's ability to get close enough to the work surface. The worker should not rest his or her forearms while keying.
Workstation Design

Correct work station height depends upon the user of a work station and upon the chair and other factors that interact with the user and table. The ideal is for the user to be able to sit at the work station with the keyboard in place and be able to easily maintain a 90-100 degree elbow angle and straight wrists while keying. The height of an adjustable keyboard support should adjust between 23" and 28" to accommodate most-but not all-users. 26" is a recommended compromise position while leg clearance must still be considered.

Leg room: Knee spaces should allow a worker to feel uncrowded and to allow some changes of position even with the keyboard support lowered to the correct level for use. The knee space should be at least 30" wide by 19"deep by 27" high to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For those using a footrest, clearance must be calculated with the legs in place on the footrest. Likewise, depth of the "clearance envelope" for both legs and toes should be evaluated while the workstation user is in a normal working position at the work station (determined by the design of the seating system and the way the user sits). Drawers and support legs (for furniture) should not go where human legs need to fit.

The work station top should be big enough to allow space not only for all computer-related necessary equipment, but also for paperwork, books, and other materials needed while working at the computer. Working with materials on chairs and at odd angles has the potential for neck and other body strain. Frequently used items should be kept close to avoid long reaches. A general recommendation is that the work area top should be at least as big as the standard office desk - 30 inches by 60 inches. A depth of at least 30 inches allows flexibility in use/reuse of the work area. Usable space may be maximized by good wire/cable management.

Thickness of work surface: one inch

Footrest: Situations will arise in which a user is perfectly adjusted for keyboard use and with the monitor at a correct angle, but his/her feet do not rest flat on the floor. A footrest may be used to correct this problem.
Document Holder: Use a document holder instead of resting copy on the table top. This helps to eliminate strain and discomfort by keeping the copy close to the monitor and at the same height and distance from the users face as the screen.
Wrist Rests: Wrists should only be used to support the wrist in pauses between typing if this is comfortable for the individual. Placing the wrists on a wrist rest while typing can create a bend in the wrists and pressure on the carpal tunnel. Wrist rests should have rounded, not sharp, edges and should provide a firm but soft cushion.

Keyboard Tray Adjustment Proceedure


1. Chair has wheels or castors suitable for the floor surface Yes No
2. Chair swivels Yes No
3. Backrest is adjustable for both height and angle Yes No
4. Backrest supports the inward curve of the lower back Yes No
5. Chair height is appropriate for the individual and the work surface height Yes No
6. Chair is adjusted so there is no pressure on the backs of the legs, and feet are flat on the floor or on a foot rest Yes No
7. Chair is adjustable from the sitting position Yes No
8. Chair upholstery is a breathable fabric Yes No
9. Footrests are used if feet do not rest flat on the floor Yes No


1. Top surface of the keyboard space bar is no higher than 2.5 inches about the work surface Yes No
2. During keyboard use, the forearm and upper arm form an angle of 90-100 with the upper arm almost vertical, the wrist is relaxed and not bent, wrist rests are available Yes No
3. If used primarily for text entry, keyboard is directly in front of the operator Yes No
4. If used primarily for data entry, keyboard is directly in front of the keying hand Yes No
5. Top of screen is at eye level or slightly lower Yes No
6. Viewing distance is 18-24 inches Yes No
7. Screen is free of glare or shadows Yes No
8. Images on the screen are sharp, easy to read and do not flicker Yes No  Link not working now.

Ud. 15.7.2023
Pub. 10.2.2007

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Recent Advances in Industrial Engineering Knowledge


by Narayana Rao Kvss.  Top 0.5% of Publications on Academia.Edu.

IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course - Modules & Lessons.
Sharing Lessons for the fourth year 2023-2024  started from 1 June 2023.

“Productivity science is scientific effort, that in any specific work situation, identifies the appropriate philosophy, culture, systems, processes, technology, methods and human physical action and behavior and elements of each of them,  that will maximize positive (social, environmental and economic) outcomes relative to the resources consumed.”
in Frameworks for Productivity Science of Machine Effort and Human Effort - Narayana Rao (Proceedings of the 2020 IISE Annual Conference, L. Cromarty, R. Shirwaiker, P. Wang, eds.)

Productivity Science of Machining - F.W. Taylor - Experiments and Results.
Productivity Science: Foundation of Industrial Engineering.
PDF File. Free Download.


Coca-Cola - A case study of total productivity management.
Rao, K V S S Narayana.  Industrial Management; Mar/Apr 2021


Production Process Planning - Sub-Module of Process Industrial Engineering


Principles of Industrial Engineering - YouTube Video

Narayana Rao (2017)
Industrial engineering is  system efficiency engineering.

Principles of Industrial Engineering.
Kambhampati, Venkata Satya Surya Narayana Rao.  IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings; Norcross (2017): 890-895.

Ud. 14.7.2023
Pub 12/5/2011